Ruined by Companions
A young lady was so very strongly moved under the pleading of the gospel that she often wept. Her pastor watched her with interest, to see her brought to Christ. After a time, not seeing her in church, he inquired concerning her of her mother. That lady was a widow, and she replied, weeping: “Ah, sir, I fear my daughter has met with companions who are leading her sadly astray.”
The pastor did his best to restore the girl to right paths. His efforts were vain. She had given her heart to folly, and would no longer listen to the voice of duty. Not many weeks elapsed before this young woman, while busy over her sewing, suddenly dropped her needle, and exclaimed: “Oh, I am dying!”
The inhabitants of the house placed her on the bed. Looking wildly about her, she said: “I see heaven and hell before me. I can’t get to heaven, for HELL IS IN MY WAY!” These were her last words.
The pastor did his best to restore the girl to right paths. His efforts were vain. She had given her heart to folly, and would no longer listen to the voice of duty. Not many weeks elapsed before this young woman, while busy over her sewing, suddenly dropped her needle, and exclaimed: “Oh, I am dying!”
The inhabitants of the house placed her on the bed. Looking wildly about her, she said: “I see heaven and hell before me. I can’t get to heaven, for HELL IS IN MY WAY!” These were her last words.