A Mirrored Image
The story is told of a man and an angel who were walking along together. The man
was complaining about his neighbors. “I never saw such a wretched set of
people,” he said, “as are in this village. They are mean, greedy, selfish, and
careless of the needs of others. Worst of all, they are forever speaking evil of
one another.” “Is it really so?” asked the angel. “It is, indeed,” said the man.
“Why, only look at this fellow coming toward us! I know his face, though I
cannot remember his name. See his little shark-like, cruel eyes, darting here
and there like a ferret’s, and the lines of hardness about his mouth! The very
droop of his shoulders is mean and cringing, and he slinks along instead of
walking.” “It is very clever of you to see all this,” said the angel, “but there
is one thing that you did not perceive—that is a mirror we are approaching.”